Reflecting on the success of the NHS Executive Strategy Summit in early November, Distilled Post spoke with Barry Mulholland and Jason Roberts. Barry is a partner at MBI Healthcare Technologies with experience of operational roles within the NHS previously, and Jason is the Director of Sales and Business Development at MBI. Both were present at the Summit with MBI, who deploy cutting-edge technology to ensure the quality of healthcare data and have collaborated frequently with the NHS.
Barry began by offering a commentary on the critical challenges facing the NHS this winter, from a data perspective. “We’re in a situation where we’ve got stretched resources everywhere”, he began. “One of the biggest challenges in terms of the workforce is a shortage of analysts… if your data is not what we might call healthy, you're always going to struggle to make the right decisions - especially when resources are tight, and every decision counts from a financial point of view.”
He alluded to other disruptions exacerbating workforce shortages, including the elective care backlog, the ambiguity surrounding the incoming centrally procured data platform (known as the Federated Data Platform or FDP) and increased demand in Emergency Departments over the winter months. In the light of these additional disruptions, Barry surmised that “NHS operations colleagues haven’t really got the time for piloting things and trying out new solutions”. In order to meet these critical challenges in the short term, he emphasised the need for experience in the NHS environment and particularly in healthcare data - “we have to wrap expertise round an already stretched resource”.
The conversation shifted to the obstacles standing in the way of high quality health data. Jason saw one key problem as being the method by which waiting lists are constructed, with data derived from EPR (Electronic Patient Record) systems. However, clinicians rarely look at EPR data when establishing a context for a patient - they are far more likely to go to the last patient letter or clinical documentation. This kind of data is not reflected in waiting lists, as these clinical sources tend to be unstructured.
The problem is underscored by what Jason identified as “a partial view of demand”, with uneven coverage of data: while certain areas such as cancer waiting lists or Referral to Treatment (RTT) waiting lists are measured, “there’s a lot of it that isn’t measured and isn’t properly understood. And that hampers plans all the time.” Barry added that invariably, health data can be messy - “because humans are messy, and therefore the data about humans is itself messy”. Messy data is further compounded by the number of disparate systems over which information is supposed to be shared, all of which talk to each other to wildly varying degrees. Additionally, he referenced EPR implementations as adding a burden to staff workloads of entering extra data, with no clearly defined roles to do this.
The discussion made it abundantly clear that solutions are desperately needed to some of these pressing issues surrounding data management and insights. As Barry said, “it’s almost impossible to fix unless you can see the full picture - and very few organisations have got that full picture at the moment”. MBI Healthcare Technologies’ array of digital solutions enables clinicians greater insights and ultimately leads to better decision making. In a word, it’s “safety”, as Barry said. He referenced numerous incidents of certain groups of patients receiving attention at the expense of other groups. “The first thing our solution brings is an overview of everybody who's waiting and what the risk is around those patients. That allows you to prioritise better which patients to see and when”. Flowing from improved safety
standards is an increased ability to plan well: “Once you’re able to know and see all of the various competing demands for your finite capacity, you can start to plan it better”. He pointed towards the significant financial benefits too, with huge amounts of time and money currently being spent on “armies of people” who search through patient records to ascertain what is going on with a particular patient. By supporting this process, MBI are also relieving the pressure on staff by shaving the time required to work out what patients need.
The conversation ended with some reflections from Barry and Jason on the success of November’s NHS Executive Strategy Summit event, organised by Meet Health Events and Proud2bOps. “There is so much common ground”, Jason commented. “The challenge of getting a full picture, that’s universal across the system… And the idea that we should be doing things manually, I think there was a widespread recognition that the time is up on that perspective”. “And I think everybody recognised at the event that simply putting fancy technology on top of data that isn’t accurate will just provide expensive and ineffective solutions… We need to do something about all the data that’s going into this new technology”, Barry added. “You have to give full credit to the Summit, for creating a space where people feel safe to raise those concerns”.
The NHS Executive Strategy Summit was held on the 7th of November in London, organised by Meet Health Events and Proud2bOps.
To learn more about the event, visit: https://www.meethealthevents.com/nhs-executive strategy-summit-ness-2023